Ingredient: Capers

Red rice with smoked salmon

Tidbits.. Red rice has a rather long cook time (approxiately 35 - 40 minutes)   It is delicious with a fantastic aroma and nutty flavour....

Sweet Pepper Gratin

Tidbits...This is a recipe typical of the Calabria region.  It is an easy recipe that can be served warm or at room temperature.  Cacio cavallo...

Filet of Sole with Celery Mousse

Tidbits...Filet of sole is a tasty, mild flavored fish and the celery puree does not overpower the delicate flavor.  The puree can also be eaten...

Eggplant Caponata

Tidbits...Caponata is a traditional Sicilian recipe and is always served at room temperature. This version uses fresh, ripe vegetables creating a very intense flavor. The...