Ingredient: White wine

Spaghetti con Vongole

Tidbits...It wouldn't be summertime without spaghetti and clams.  I think I enjoy the lunch just as much as the beach.  They go hand in hand!...

Cannolicche Gratin (Razor Clams)

Tidbits... Cannolicchi are a tubular type of clam. They are harvested from the sea bottom and are usually full of sand, so the cleansing is...

Pasta Fagioli with Mussels (Cozze)

Tidbits... this Neopolitan version of the classic "Pasta Fagioli" (Pasta with beans) uses fresh egg pasta Maltagliata (roughly cut) coupled with fresh mussels.  Delicious!...

Stuffed Calamari with Chickpeas and Zucchini

Tidbits...The cleaning process of fresh squid is not really difficult. On cutting board cut off just below eyes and discard.  You are now left with...

Spaghetti with Clams

Tidbits...spaghetti with clams is synonymous with summertime at the seashore. I am lucky to live in a beautiful town that is close to places that...

Totani (Squid) with Spring Potatoes

Tidbits...This recipe of totani is typical of Genoa. Totani are a type of squid not to be confused with Calamari.  They are noted for their...