Category: Italian Recipes

Checkers and Spirals Biscotti

Tidbits...Impress your guests!  Not only are these crispy cookies delicious they are decorations for the table. Truly magic...they will disappear before your eyes....

Bufala Ricotta with Prickly Pear Syrup (Marmalade)

Tidbits...This syrup (marmalade) is smooth and clear with a vibrant red-orange color. I like the consistency and use it with panna cotta, several types of...

Lemon Sorbet in Frosty Lemon Cup

Tidbits...These frosty cups can be served as dessert or as an "intermezzo" between courses of an important dinner....

Carrot Cake

Tidbits...This cake is moist and is delicious on its own with just a sprinkling of powdered sugar. If you want to frost the cake or...

Pigna Cake

Happy Easter! The Pigna is a traditional Easter cake in our part of Italy, Ciociaria.  It is filled with candied fruit and an assortment of...

Free Range Chicks

Happy Easter!   Free Range Chicks on tender mixed greens salad.  Peep-Peep...