Category: Italian Recipes

Red Snapper with Scallions and Orange Sauce

Tidbits...this oven fish is mild and very tasty!   The orange adds the right "zip"...

Jumbo Prawns Gratin

Tidbits... This splendid recipe is very simple to realise and is ready in less than a half hour and sure to impress. It works well...

Pinwheel Cookies

Tidbits... These delightful melt in your mouth cookies will surely impress your family or guests.  You can bake a small batch and return the dough...


Tidbits... Castagnole are typical sweets for Carnevale.  By tradition they can be dipped in zabaione or melted dark chocolate....



Macerated Oranges

Tidbits... The oranges are thinly sliced and marinated overnight.  They are tangy and refreshing ....