Category: Sweets

Zabaione with Orange

Tidbits...Carnevale is the holiday with everything sweet taking center stage.  Dipping Frappe or Castagnole in a tangy sweet Zabaione is the perfect star!  The secret...

Sweet Ravioli

Tidbits...Fried Sweet Ravioli with a filling of ricotta and chocolate chips are the perfect indulgence for Carnevale....

Chiacchiere (Frappe)

Tidbits... These are traditional Carnevale sweets. For a treat even more tempting they can be dipped in melted chocolate or zabaione....

Pecan Cinnamon Rolls

Tidbits...I can close my eyes and smell these baking in my mom's kitchen. The aroma is sublime and the memories even sweeter!...

Vanilla Buttercream Frosting

Tidbits... This buttercream frosting can be transformed into the flavor of your choice.  A couple of tablespoons of fruit, coffee, chocolate or  liquore will create...

Shortbread Sandwich Cookies

Tidbits... These versatile sandwich cookies truly melt in your mouth.   They can be filled with so many different flavors.  The possibilities are endless.  Vanilla buttercream...